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First Visit


When arriving to the office, you will be given paperwork to fill out. This paperwork helps to inform the doctors about your condition and other relevant health information. We are also able to mail the paperwork ahead of time and bring to your appointment with you if you prefer to do so.

History and Examination

In order to determine what your actual problem is, the doctor will perform a thorough history and examination. You will be asked various questions related to your current condition. When the history is completed, the doctor will proceed to the examination. This examination will consist of checking motion, posture, spinal palpation and orthopedic and neurological testing.

X-ray Studies

Our office is equipped for spinal x-rays. Your specific condition may require x-rays to be taken. These films will assist the doctors in determining the best and most effective care plan and adjustments for you.

Home Instructions

Prior to leaving, patients will be given instructions on certain activities or procedures to be conducted at home. This may include ice or heat application instructions, avoidance of certain activities or positions, as well as home exercises and/or stretches.

Schedule Your Next Appointment

The front desk will assist you in scheduling your follow up appointments. Typically, patients are seen within 1-2 days of their first visit. At this visit, you will be taken through a complete review of your findings from the examination and x-rays (if taken). Your care plan and future visit schedule will be discussed with you at this time.